​We sail on Sundays year round and Wednesdays from 2nd April to 29th October, plus special days by arrangement.
Please contact us on info@tidewaysailability.org.uk for enquiries about your first sail. We can find a suitable time and dicuss any special requirements.
After your first sail, we will ask you to register your details. You will receive a weekly email asking if you want to come sailing this week- please reply if you are, so we know to expect you. We can also let you know about any changes eg because of the weather.
It is rare that we have to curtail sailing because of the weather as our volunteers are hardy and we can reduce the size of the sails if it is windy. Please ring the sailing compound if you are unsure on 020 7237 9001 after 10.00 am. Be patient as obviously the sailing activities take priority over answering a telephone!
Wednesdays 10.30-15.15
2nd April – 29th October.
Sundays 10.30-15.30
We sail most Sundays throughout the year (except Christmas, New Year & the day of the London Marathon). The emphasis is on those who are, or are moving towards, sailing fully independently. We have volunteers to help with launching and hoisting but limited volunteer capacity to provide assisted sailing.
On Sunday mornings we have a good group of juniors, mostly in the 6 to 14 age range, learning to sail independently. All the family can learn to sail together. Please note that parents etc are expected to help with boat preparation and pack-up at the end of the session and remain on hand to assist if necessary.
For adults and older independent juniors there is recreational sailing all day, brushing up on those techniques and occasional training sessions. Plus, we have some informal racing and coaching with the aim of improving skills and enjoyment.