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© 2015 by Tideway Sailability

Winter Sailing and Maintenance

Sailing continues on Sundays throughout the winter. Whether you are a weekday volunteer or sailor, we would very much like to see you on Sunday as well. For the volunteers it can be pretty busy getting sailors onto the water but then go for a sail yourself, as many of our Sunday sailors can look after themselves. Or help out in the safety boat. Or just retreat to the clubhouse for a cup of tea. Why not put a date in your diary to try it out? For the sailors, it is usually a bit windier than the summer but it is rare for us to cancel sailing (ice does stop us!). The usual pattern is either sunny, with little wind, when it is a pleasure to be out in the crisp air, or windier but not so cold which makes for great sailing. We have waterproofs and drysuits if you need them. From mid-January to late March there will be racing very morning and afternoon - very informal and we can teach you the basic rules. So dig out those thermals and your woolly hat and experience Tideway at its best (in my opinion anyway!).

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